Cited By
View all- Arboleda HPaz ARoyer J(2013)Component-Based Java Legacy Code RefactoringRevista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia10.17533/udea.redin.17165(104-114)Online publication date: 21-Oct-2013
Context: software architects often decide on strategies before incorporating an asset (e.g., components) in software systems. At the same time, they are responsible for preventing code and architectural degradation caused by design problems. Problem: ...
In the past we analyzed typeless Java programs. One of our results was, that there may be different correct typings for one method. This means that the principal types of such methods are intersection types. We presented a type-inference algorithm. For ...
We define a type system, which may also be considered as a simple Hoare logic, for a fragment of an assembly language that deals with code pointers and jumps. The typing is aimed at local reasoning in the sense that only the type of a code pointer is ...
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