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Iris: A hybrid nanophotonic network design for high-performance and low-power on-chip communication

Published: 01 July 2011 Publication History


On-chip communication, including short, often-multicast, latency-critical coherence and synchronization messages, and long, unicast, throughput-sensitive data transfers, limits the power efficiency and performance scalability of many-core chip-multiprocessor systems. This article analyzes on-chip communication challenges and studies the characteristics of existing electrical and emerging nanophotonic interconnect. Iris, a CMOS-compatible high-performance low-power nanophotonic on-chip network, is thus introduced. Iris's circuit-switched subnetwork supports throughput-sensitive data transfer. Iris's optical-antenna-array-based broadcast--multicast subnetwork optimizes latency-critical traffic and supports the path setup of circuit-switched communication. Overall, the proposed nanophotonic network design offers an on-chip communication backplane that is power efficient while demonstrating low latency and high throughput.


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  1. Iris: A hybrid nanophotonic network design for high-performance and low-power on-chip communication



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    cover image ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
    ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  Volume 7, Issue 2
    June 2011
    123 pages
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    Published: 01 July 2011
    Accepted: 01 March 2011
    Revised: 01 January 2011
    Received: 01 August 2010
    Published in JETC Volume 7, Issue 2


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    1. Interconnection networks
    2. Nanophotonics
    3. Networks-on-chip
    4. Optical interconnects


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