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Exergame design for elderly users: the case study of SilverBalance

Published: 17 November 2010 Publication History


In this paper, we discuss chances and challenges of game design for an elderly audience with a focus on the development of safe and usable exertion games for frail senior citizens. Based on an analysis of theoretical constraints, we conducted a case study which implements different balance tasks for elderly players featuring the Nintendo Wii Balance Board which encourages users to actively engage in game play. Furthermore, we tested the feasibility of the board as input device for our case study SilverBalance. Our results indicate that age-related impairments influence the use of video games among frail elderly in many respects, hence their needs have to be considered during the design process. In this context, our paper provides a foundation for future research regarding digital games for the elderly.


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ACE '10: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology
November 2010
136 pages
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  • NTPU: National Taipei University
  • Ministry of Education, Taiwan
  • National Science Council, Taiwan
  • CUTE: Keio-NUS CUTE Center



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 17 November 2010


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  1. assistive technologies
  2. elderly
  3. exergaming
  4. game design
  5. game interface design
  6. safety
  7. silver gaming
  8. usability


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ACE '10
  • NTPU
  • CUTE

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