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It is with great pleasure that we are able to bring you this volume of the ITiCSE 2010 Working Group reports. Working groups have been an important part of the ITiCSE conference since its inception 15 years ago.
In 2010 we received 10 working group proposals and were able to accept eight groups which we believe was a good representation of the breadth and depth of computing education and would be of value to the greater computer science education community. During the early part of 2010 the eight working groups were formed with participants from all around the world, they worked electronically on their particular topics until meeting immediately prior to and during the 2010 ITiCSE conference which was held in Ankara, Turkey
At the conclusion of the conference the working groups then produced their first draft report, had a further month to refine them and then produce the final draft. All reports were then blind refereed by at least three reviewers specifically chosen for their expertise in the subject area of the report. The reports were then updated and are now finally published in this volume.
Working groups are a great opportunity to work with colleagues from many different countries on topics of interest to us all and provide an international perspective on these topics. In 2010 there were 49 participants from 14 countries.
It was a great pleasure to work with all the leaders and participants of the working groups and we believe the high standard and expertise of these reports will be of interest and benefit to the international Computer Science Education community.
Proceeding Downloads
Tools for "contributing student learning"
Activities that require students to collaborate, share solutions, review each others' work, or create materials explicitly for the use of other students have been shown to be beneficial not only to students' learning of the material, but to their ...
Adapting moodle to better support CS education
- Guido Rößling,
- Myles McNally,
- Pierluigi Crescenzi,
- Atanas Radenski,
- Petri Ihantola,
- M. Gloria Sánchez-Torrubia
Many commercial or open-source systems for organizing courses are available, offering access to course materials, communication support, and receiving and grading student submissions. However, most of these systems are by default not ideally prepared to ...
ITiCSE 2010 working group report motivating our top students
It would be unlikely for any first year programming class to be solely composed of novices with the same aptitude for learning. We all have students who arrive with a range of abilities and backgrounds. We have students who barely know their way around ...
Towards information assurance (IA) curricular guidelines
- Stephen Cooper,
- Christine Nickell,
- Lance C. Pérez,
- Brenda Oldfield,
- Joel Brynielsson,
- Asım Gencer Gökce,
- Elizabeth K. Hawthorne,
- Karl J. Klee,
- Andrea Lawrence,
- Susanne Wetzel
Information assurance and information security are serious worldwide concerns. Computer security is one of the three new focal areas of the ACM/IEEE's Computer Science Curriculum update in 2008. This ACM/IEEE report describes, as the first of its three ...
An introduction to program comprehension for computer science educators
The area of program comprehension comprises a vast body of literature, with numerous conflicting models having been proposed. Models are typically grounded in experimental studies mostly involving experienced programmers. The question of how to relate ...
Towards standards in digital forensics education
Digital Forensics is an emerging discipline within the computing sciences that exhibits both commonalities and uniquenesses with other computing disciplines. This paper seeks to delineate the domain space of Digital Forensics through an evaluation of ...
Strategies for preparing computer science students for the multicore world
Multicore computers have become standard, and the number of cores per computer is rising rapidly. How does the new demand for understanding of parallel computing impact computer science education? In this paper, we examine several aspects of this ...
Enhancing the Social Issues Components in our Computing Curriculum: Computing for the Social Good
- Mikey Goldweber,
- Joyce Currie Little,
- Gerry Cross,
- Renzo Davoli,
- Charles Riedesel,
- Brian R. von Konsky,
- Henry Walker
The acceptance and integration of social issues into computing curricula is still a work in progress twenty years after it was first incorporated into the ACM Computing Curricula. Through an international survey of computing instructors, this paper ...
Cited By
Schafer A and Bruck R (2013). Teaching strategies for undergraduate laboratories with students having heterogeneous prior knowledge 2013 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 10.1109/EduCon.2013.6530094, 978-1-4673-6110-1, (112-117)
Erhard W, Jensen M and Granger K The First Two of Five Pre-Course Readings For The 'Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological / Phenomenological Model' Course, SSRN Electronic Journal, 10.2139/ssrn.2416455
Erhard W and Jensen M Putting Integrity into Finance: A Purely Positive Approach, SSRN Electronic Journal, 10.2139/ssrn.1985594
Erhard W, Jensen M, Zaffron S and Granger K Introductory Reading for Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological/Phenomenological Model, SSRN Electronic Journal, 10.2139/ssrn.1585976
- Proceedings of the 2010 ITiCSE working group reports
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
ITiCSE-WGR '17 | 16 | 8 | 50% |
ITiCSE '17 | 175 | 56 | 32% |
ITiCSE '16 | 147 | 56 | 38% |
ITiCSE '16 | 11 | 7 | 64% |
ITICSE-WGR '15 | 7 | 7 | 100% |
ITiCSE '15 | 124 | 54 | 44% |
ITiCSE '14 | 164 | 36 | 22% |
ITiCSE '13 | 161 | 51 | 32% |
ITiCSE -WGR '13 | 4 | 4 | 100% |
ITiCSE '09 | 205 | 66 | 32% |
ITiCSE '08 | 150 | 60 | 40% |
ITiCSE '07 | 210 | 62 | 30% |
ITiCSE '02 | 100 | 42 | 42% |
ITiCSE '01 | 139 | 43 | 31% |
Overall | 1,613 | 552 | 34% |