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The STARS process engine: language and architecture to support process capture and multi-user execution
Process-centered computing environments are currently in their infancy, with notable exceptions [1][19][21][22]. Two important components of envisioned environments are the language used to describe the processes, and the architecture for the language ...
An object-oriented approach to software process modeling and definition
This paper describes an approach to Software Process Modeling that uses DRAGOON, an object-oriented programming language with Ada-like syntax, to capture Software Process Models. These models share the advantages of object-oriented software. They can be ...
Quality guidelines = designer metrics
In spite of the significant body of research on traditional source code metrics, there has been a general failure to produce conclusive evidence as to their effectiveness for measuring software quality. We describe and recommend a potentially much more ...
Software project reporting: management, measurement, and process improvement
This paper presents the rationale, framework, and detailed mechanisms of quantitative software project management. To make the presentation specific and useful, our focus is on the reports used to present project status. Quantitative software project ...
The GNAT project: a GNU-Ada 9X compiler
We describe the general organization of the GNAT compiler, its relationship to the GCC multilanguage compiler system, and some of the architectural details of the system. This paper serves as an introduction to the following papers in this session.
The GNAT compilation model
One of the novel features of GNAT is its unusual approach to the compilation process and the handling of the Ada library. The words novel and unusual only apply from a traditional Ada compilation perspective. By contrast, a typical C or C++ programmer ...
Features of the GNU Ada runtime library
The Gnu Ada Runtime Library (GNARL) is being developed to support Ada 9X tasking for the Gnu NYU Ada Translator (GNAT). Together, they form a portable, freely distributable Ada 9X translation system. GNARL and GNAT communicate through a well-defined ...
Smart recompilation and the GNAT compiler
The GNAT project at New York University is building a high-quality Ada 9X compiler, to be distributed free and with sources, following the successful mechanisms established by the Free Software Foundation for the GCC compiler.
This paper describes the ...
Run-time check elimination for Ada 9X
An approach to the elimination of run-time checks in Ada 9X is presented. The approach is a flow analysis approach based on a combination of range propagation and assertion propagation. Range propagation computes estimates for the dynamic ...
Working with Ada 9X classes
Ada 9X refines the Ada 83 concept of class and introduces class-wide types to support run-time polymorphism. We study how the Ada definition of class compares to other definitions of this term. We examine how run-time polymorphism is introduced in Ada ...
Abstract data types are under full control with Ada 9X
Ada 83 did not provide enough control on the creation, assignment, and destruction of objects of user-defined types. This lack of control restricted type composition and prevented the full exercise of information hiding for abstract data types. Ada 9X ...
Implementing internal program representations with Ada and Ada 9X
In an earlier paper, the author discussed the use of Ada to implement the internal program representation for an Ada software re-engineering system. While many of Ada's features were used to advantage in the implementation, the lack of an inheritance ...
Easy-Sim: using Ada 9X in a graphics system software architecture
Software architectures increase productivity when used as the basis for developing applications in a particular domain. This paper describes the creation of Easy_Sim, an Ada 9X graphics software architecture and framework for distributed visual ...
Delegation: dynamic specialization
Delegation is a technique used in object-oriented programming. For instance, it has been used to implement (interface) inheritance in prototype languages. Another view is that it competes with the inheritance as a language feature. Yet another view is ...
Profiling in an object-oriented design environment that supports Ada 9X and Ada 83 code generation
Object-oriented techniques for design and development have taken a strong hold in academia, industry, and government. Our efforts in this area have been in the development of the object-oriented design environment, ADAM, that is programming-language ...
Ada-based programming language course in Moscow State University
Three-semester course of programming languages for third-year students of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Department of Moscow State University is described. Ada and Ada9X are used in the course for demonstration of conceptions and principles ...
Selecting a software development process
This paper describes the focusing on methods of selecting a software development process. It describes the analysis and design methods used to develop large and complex sytems. It provides guidelines for the use of Object Oriented and Structured Design ...
Always one more bug: applying AdaWise to improve Ada code
AdaWise, a set of tools currently under development at ORA, performs automatic checks to verify the absence of common run-time errors affecting the correctness or portability of Ada programs. The tools can be applied to programs of arbitrary size, and ...
Design of GUIs from a programming perspective
This paper presents a design method for graphical user interfaces. The method is based on semantic specification. Based on formalized style rules and guidelines, a user interface design proposal is derived from the functionality of an application. The ...
An object-oriented, distributed architecture for large-scale Ada systems
This paper presents an architectural model ideally suited for the description of large, distributed command and control systems. This model is organized around multiple dimensions (or views) of software architecture and is used to describe the software ...
Structural model: architecture for software designers
A structural model is the architectural map for a large software system or family of systems (domain). The structural model used in a domain represents the point of convergence for trade-offs between maintainability and performance, quality and ...
Secured systems and Ada: a trusted system software architecture
In this paper, we will present an architecture for developing a system reliant upon trusted Ada software, and some of the lessons learned in our having done such a development. Some background on trusted software and the trusted information systems ...
Orthogonal persistence and Ada
Research into persistent programming languages and systems in recent years has shown that the technology is useful for developing complex software in many problem domains. This paper explores the issues of adding persistence support to Ada, either as ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the conference on TRI-Ada '94