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View all- Kalogeraki EPapastergiou SPanayiotopoulos T(2022)An Attack Simulation and Evidence Chains Generation Model for Critical Information InfrastructuresElectronics10.3390/electronics1103040411:3(404)Online publication date: 28-Jan-2022
Clickjacking attacks steal user clicks through the generation of webpages overlaying legitimate webpages. These attacks redirect user clicks to attacker controlled webpages. Redirection of clicks can cause various unwanted activities and damages to ...
Attacks on computer systems are now attracting increased attention. While the current trends in software vulnerability discovery indicate that the number of newly discovered vulnerabilities continues to be significant, the time between the public ...
Computer networks are present throughout all sectors of our critical infrastructure and these networks are under a constant threat of cyber attack. One prevalent computer network threat takes advantage of unauthorized, and thus insecure, hardware on a ...
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