Cited By
View all- Haibi AOufaska KYassini KBoulmalf MBouya M(2022)Systematic Mapping Study on RFID TechnologyIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2022.314047510(6363-6380)Online publication date: 2022
In this paper, we identify the middleware functionnalities andproperties that are required to efficiently implement the FaultTolerant CORBA specification. Our approach relies on certainproperties of PolyORB, our schizophrenic middleware to provide CORBA-...
An increasing number of applications are being developed using Distributed Object Computing (DOC) middleware, such as CORBA. Many of these applications require the underlying middleware, operating systems, and networks to provide dependable end-to-end ...
RFID middleware plays an important role to filter and aggregate amount of tag data as well as manage reader devices in networked RFID systems. It has a heavy burden on computation and facilitates to suffer malicious attacks through fraudulent business ...
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