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View all- Witt MJansen CKrefting DStreit A(2018)Sandboxing of biomedical applications in Linux containers based on system call evaluationConcurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience10.1002/cpe.448430:12Online publication date: 25-Apr-2018
- Witt MJansen CKrefting DStreit A(2017)Fine-grained Supervision and Restriction of Biomedical Applications in Linux ContainersProceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing10.1109/CCGRID.2017.53(813-822)Online publication date: 14-May-2017
- Lundquist GMohan VHamlen KGates CBöhme REgelman SMannan M(2016)Searching for software diversityProceedings of the 2016 New Security Paradigms Workshop10.1145/3011883.3011891(80-91)Online publication date: 26-Sep-2016
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