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Towards automatic thematic sheets based on discursive categories in biomedical literature

Published: 25 May 2011 Publication History


Biological papers contain a huge amount of results and ideas that are difficult to manage. Researchers are not only interested in finding relevant information but they also need to know how the authors of papers get the results. Thus, it is interesting to identify the methods used and to distinguish for example between speculations, observations and deductions. Biologists need also to distinguish between new and prior information, especially to identify the real new output of a study. In order to respond to these needs, we propose a linguistic model based on the discursive categories. This model aims to develop the BioExcom tool for the automatic production of thematic sheets using the Contextual Exploration processing. BioExcom is already able to detect speculative sentences and to categorize them into new and prior speculation. The other categories of the model will be developed using the proposed linguistic markers.


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WIMS '11: Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics
May 2011
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Published: 25 May 2011


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  1. automatic annotation
  2. biology
  3. categorization
  4. contextual exploration
  5. discourse analysis
  6. information extraction
  7. summarization


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