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The pochoir stencil compiler

Published: 04 June 2011 Publication History


A stencil computation repeatedly updates each point of a d-dimensional grid as a function of itself and its near neighbors. Parallel cache-efficient stencil algorithms based on "trapezoidal decompositions" are known, but most programmers find them difficult to write. The Pochoir stencil compiler allows a programmer to write a simple specification of a stencil in a domain-specific stencil language embedded in C++ which the Pochoir compiler then translates into high-performing Cilk code that employs an efficient parallel cache-oblivious algorithm. Pochoir supports general d-dimensional stencils and handles both periodic and aperiodic boundary conditions in one unified algorithm. The Pochoir system provides a C++ template library that allows the user's stencil specification to be executed directly in C++ without the Pochoir compiler (albeit more slowly), which simplifies user debugging and greatly simplified the implementation of the Pochoir compiler itself. A host of stencil benchmarks run on a modern multicore machine demonstrates that Pochoir outperforms standard parallelloop implementations, typically running 2-10 times faster. The algorithm behind Pochoir improves on prior cache-efficient algorithms on multidimensional grids by making "hyperspace" cuts, which yield asymptotically more parallelism for the same cache efficiency.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    SPAA '11: Proceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures
    June 2011
    404 pages
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    Published: 04 June 2011


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    1. C++
    2. cache-oblivious algorithm
    3. cilk
    4. compiler
    5. embedded domain-specific language
    6. multicore
    7. parallel computation
    8. stencil computation
    9. trapezoidal decomposition


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