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10.1145/1989493.1989551acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesspaaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Understanding bloom filter intersection for lazy address-set disambiguation

Published: 04 June 2011 Publication History


A Bloom filter is a probabilistic bit-array-based set representation that has recently been applied to address-set disambiguation in systems that ease the burden of parallel programming. However, many of these systems intersect the Bloom filter bit-arrays to approximate address-set intersection and decide set disjointness. This is in contrast with the conventional and well-studied approach of making individual membership queries into the Bloom filter. In this paper we present much-needed probabilistic models for the unconventional application of testing set disjointness using Bloom filters. Consequently, we demonstrate that intersecting Bloom filters requires substantially larger bit-arrays to provide the same probability of false set-overlap as querying into the bit-array. For when intersection is unavoidable, we prove that partitioned Bloom filters require less space than unpartitioned. Finally, we show that for Bloom filters with a single hash function, surprisingly, intersection and querying share the same probability of false set-overlap.


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SPAA '11: Proceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures
June 2011
404 pages
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Published: 04 June 2011


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  1. address-set disambiguation
  2. bloom filters
  3. parallelism
  4. set intersection
  5. signatures
  6. thread-level speculation
  7. transactional memory


  • Research-article


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