Cited By
View all- Har-Peled SKumar N(2012)Down the Rabbit HoleProceedings of the 2012 IEEE 53rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science10.1109/FOCS.2012.31(430-439)Online publication date: 20-Oct-2012
Distance functions to compact sets play a central role in several areas of computational geometry. Methods that rely on them are robust to the perturbations of the data by the Hausdorff noise, but fail in the presence of outliers. The recently ...
Data often comes in the form of a point cloud sampled from an unknown compact subset of Euclidean space. The general goal of geometric inference is then to recover geometric and topological features (e.g., Betti numbers, normals) of this subset from the ...
A new paradigm for point cloud data analysis has emerged recently, where point clouds are no longer treated as mere compact sets but rather as empirical measures. A notion of distance to such measures has been defined and shown to be stable with respect ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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