The ceaseless expansion of the World Wide Web is making more and more complex for humans to efficiently find the needed information. The underlying idea of having a description of the data on the Web, organized in such a way as to be used by machines for automation, integration and reuse across various applications, has been exploited in several research fields.
As in the previous editions, the International Workshop on "Semantic Web Information Management" (SWIM) aims at reviewing the most recent data-centered solutions for the Semantic Web. In particular, its ambition is to present and analyze the techniques for semantic information management, by taking advantage of the synergisms between the logical basis of the semantic web and the logical foundations of conceptual modeling. Indeed, the leitmotif of these researches is the proposal of models and methods conceived to represent and manage the so-called "semantic data", that is, data appropriately structured to be easily machine-processable on the Web, according to semantic models (e.g. RDF, RDF(S), OWL). The long-standing experience of the information modeling community can provide a priceless contribution to the substantial problems arising in semantic data management.
Proceeding Downloads
Ontology-based recommendation for points of interest retrieved from multiple data sources
Introduction of powerful mobile devices and increasing availability of online services make it possible to develop a wide range of mobile applications. Making recommendations to the users on their mobile devices based on their location is a well-known ...
POWDER and the multi million-triple store
In this paper we present and discuss the implementation and deployment of the Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER) W3C Recommendation for a large RDF repository containing millions of triples. POWDER enables taking advantage of natural ...
To compare or not to compare: making entity resolution more efficient
Blocking methods are crucial for making the inherently quadratic task of Entity Resolution more efficient. The blocking methods proposed in the literature rely on the homogeneity of data and the availability of binding schema information; thus, they are ...
PigSPARQL: mapping SPARQL to Pig Latin
In this paper we investigate the scalable processing of complex SPARQL queries on very large RDF datasets. As underlying platform we use Apache Hadoop, an open source implementation of Google's MapReduce for massively parallelized computations on a ...
Automatic selection of background knowledge for ontology matching
Background knowledge in form of ontologies is an important source of information for many tasks in the semantic web, e.g., ontology matching, ontology construction and editing, natural language processing. In particular, ontology matching and ...
Concept disambiguation exploiting semantic databases
This paper presents a novel approach for resolving ambiguities in concepts that already reside in semantic databases such as Freebase and DBpedia. Different from standard dictionaries and lexical databases, semantic databases provide a rich hierarchy of ...
What are real SPARQL queries like?
We present statistics on real world SPARQL queries that may be of interest for building SPARQL query processing engines and benchmarks. In particular, we analyze the syntactical structure of queries in a log of about 3 million queries, harvested from ...
Aggregating semantic concepts for event representation in lifelogging
The performance of automatic detection of concepts in image and video data has been improved to a satisfactory level for some generic concepts like indoor, outdoor, faces, etc. on high quality data from broadcast TV or movies. However it remains a ...
Formalization of 2-D spatial ontology and OWL/Protégé realization
Ontology specification is a core component of the Semantic Web, and facilitates interoperability among different systems that use distinct models. Developing a spatial ontology will allow many applications that have spatial objects to interact. In this ...
- Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Web Information Management