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Efficient manifold ranking for image retrieval

Published: 24 July 2011 Publication History


Manifold Ranking (MR), a graph-based ranking algorithm, has been widely applied in information retrieval and shown to have excellent performance and feasibility on a variety of data types. Particularly, it has been successfully applied to content-based image retrieval, because of its outstanding ability to discover underlying geometrical structure of the given image database. However, manifold ranking is computationally very expensive, both in graph construction and ranking computation stages, which significantly limits its applicability to very large data sets. In this paper, we extend the original manifold ranking algorithm and propose a new framework named Efficient Manifold Ranking (EMR). We aim to address the shortcomings of MR from two perspectives: scalable graph construction and efficient computation. Specifically, we build an anchor graph on the data set instead of the traditional k-nearest neighbor graph, and design a new form of adjacency matrix utilized to speed up the ranking computation. The experimental results on a real world image database demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed method. With a comparable performance to the original manifold ranking, our method significantly reduces the computational time, makes it a promising method to large scale real world retrieval problems.


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cover image ACM Conferences
SIGIR '11: Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information Retrieval
July 2011
1374 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 24 July 2011


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  1. efficientmanifold ranking
  2. graph-based algorithms
  3. image retrieval
  4. out-of-sample


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