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A perceptual model for disparity

Published: 25 July 2011 Publication History


Binocular disparity is an important cue for the human visual system to recognize spatial layout, both in reality and simulated virtual worlds. This paper introduces a perceptual model of disparity for computer graphics that is used to define a metric to compare a stereo image to an alternative stereo image and to estimate the magnitude of the perceived disparity change. Our model can be used to assess the effect of disparity to control the level of undesirable distortions or enhancements (introduced on purpose). A number of psycho-visual experiments are conducted to quantify the mutual effect of disparity magnitude and frequency to derive the model. Besides difference prediction, other applications include compression, and re-targeting. We also present novel applications in form of hybrid stereo images and backward-compatible stereo. The latter minimizes disparity in order to convey a stereo impression if special equipment is used but produces images that appear almost ordinary to the naked eye. The validity of our model and difference metric is again confirmed in a study.

Supplementary Material

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MP4 File (tp102_11.mp4)


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      ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 30, Issue 4
      July 2011
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      Published: 25 July 2011
      Published in TOG Volume 30, Issue 4


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