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Towards a scalable and robust multi-tenancy SaaS

Published: 03 November 2010 Publication History


Software-as-as-Service (SaaS) is a new approach for developing software, and it is characterized by its multi-tenancy architecture and its ability to provide flexible customization to individual tenant. However, the multi-tenancy architecture and customization requirements have brought up new issues in software, such as database design, database partition, scalability, recovery, and continuous testing. This paper proposes a hybrid test database design to support SaaS customization with two-layer database partitioning. The database is further extended with a new built-in redundancy with ontology so that the SaaS can recover from ontology, data or meta-data failures. Furthermore, constraints in metadata can be used either as test cases or policies to support SaaS continuous testing and policy enforcement.


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    Internetware '10: Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware
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    • Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    • CCF: China Computer Federation



    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 03 November 2010


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    1. SaaS
    2. customization
    3. database partitioning
    4. framework
    5. recovery
    6. testing


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    • CCF


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