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Assessment of maintainability metrics for object-oriented software system

Published: 30 September 2011 Publication History


Many organizations assess the maintainability of software systems before they are deployed. Object-oriented design has been shown to be a useful technique to develop and deliver quality software. Objectoriented metrics can be used to assess the maintainability of a software system. Various software metrics and models have been developed and described. This paper provides a review of this literature and the related state-of-the-art. It also proposes a maintainability model that is based on the analysis of the relationship between object-oriented metrics and maintainability.


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  1. Assessment of maintainability metrics for object-oriented software system



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    ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes  Volume 36, Issue 5
    September 2011
    160 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 30 September 2011
    Published in SIGSOFT Volume 36, Issue 5

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    1. CK metric suite
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