Cited By
View all- Atzmueller M(2012)Mining social media: key players, sentiments, and communitiesWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery10.1002/widm.10692:5(411-419)Online publication date: 1-Sep-2012
Social book marking Web sites have emerged recently for collecting and sharing of interesting Web sites among users. People can add Web pages to such sites as bookmarks and allow themselves as well as others to manipulate them. One of the key features of ...
Privacy leakage is an important issue for social recommendation. Existing privacy preserving social recommendation approaches usually allow the recommender to fully control users' information. This may be problematic since the recommender itself may be ...
Tagging has become increasingly popular with the explosion of user-created content on the web. A 'tag' can be defined as a group of keywords that makes organizing, browsing and searching for content more efficient. Users apply tags to a variety of web-...
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