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A visual analytics approach to dynamic social networks

Published: 07 September 2011 Publication History


The visualization and analysis of dynamic networks have become increasingly important in several fields, for instance sociology or economics. The dynamic and multi-relational nature of this data poses the challenge of understanding both its topological structure and how it changes over time. In this paper we propose a visual analytics approach for analyzing dynamic networks that integrates: a dynamic layout with user-controlled trade-off between stability and consistency; three temporal views based on different combinations of node-link diagrams (layer superimposition, layer juxtaposition, and two-and-a-half-dimensional view); the visualization of social network analysis metrics; and specific interaction techniques for tracking node trajectories and node connectivity over time. This integration of visual, interactive, and automatic methods supports the multi-faceted analysis of dynamically changing networks.


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George Popescu

This paper explores visualization techniques for understanding the dynamics of social networks. Its main contribution is represented by integrating interactive visualization techniques with payout algorithms and metrics. The paper highlights distinguishable solutions from previous work. Its strong points include a solid problem formation, a presentation of complex visualization issues, and strong argumentation for the design choice, particularly the views. Figures complement the text to justify the concepts--for instance, the juxtaposition of views in a dynamic network. The paper offers a clear and comprehensive understanding of the visualization method. Online Computing Reviews Service

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i-KNOW '11: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies
September 2011
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Published: 07 September 2011


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  1. dynamic layout
  2. dynamic networks
  3. graph drawing
  4. information visualization
  5. interaction
  6. social network analysis
  7. visual analytics


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