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Investigation of the antecedents and consequences of gamer satisfaction: An individual perspective

Published: 14 November 2011 Publication History


New game technologies are changing the way people learn, play, socialize and participate in civic life. However, designing good games is challenging and expensive. While technologies have been improving swiftly, game design guidelines have evolved slowly. This article proposes a theoretical approach to study the key factors leading to successful online games. We first developed a theoretical model, Playability for Acceptance and Adoption Model (PAAM) for conciseness, linking the antecedents into the key factors using information acquired from an extended literature review. We then undertook a survey of 201 online gamers to investigate key factors affecting players' acceptance of online games. Through structural equation modeling, our findings showed that the “perceived benefits” construct is dependent on whether online games met gamers' goals for entertainment or leisure activities, in-game experiences, and out-game needs, while the “perceived ease of use” construct is determined by game design and facilitating conditions. We believe our theoretical model and results are useful to designers and developers of software companies when creating online games that will satisfy gamers' goals, in-game experiences, and out-game needs for playability.


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cover image Computers in Entertainment
Computers in Entertainment   Volume 9, Issue 3
Theoretical and Practical Computer Applications in Entertainment
November 2011
196 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Published: 14 November 2011
Published in CIE Volume 9, Issue 3


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  1. Game design
  2. acceptance
  3. adoption
  4. expectancy disconfirmation theory
  5. game heuristics
  6. gameplay
  7. playability
  8. technology acceptance model
  9. usability
  10. usefulness


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  • (2022)Development of the Player Satisfaction Scale - A Factor Analytic StudyGaming, Simulation and Innovations: Challenges and Opportunities10.1007/978-3-031-09959-5_13(147-160)Online publication date: 27-Jul-2022
  • (2018)Corporate social responsibility on customer behaviour: the mediating role of corporate image and customer satisfactionTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence10.1080/14783363.2018.1444985(1-19)Online publication date: 31-Aug-2018
  • (2015)What Drives PeopleProceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play10.1145/2793107.2793114(369-379)Online publication date: 5-Oct-2015
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