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Users' (Dis)satisfaction with the personalTV application: Combining objective and subjective data

Published: 14 November 2011 Publication History


The overabundance of content on online video platforms has made intelligent recommender systems that assist users in finding content matching their personal preferences indispensable. This article reports on a study in which “PersonalTV,” an online video recommendation application that has been developed for research purposes, was evaluated by a panel of test users for the first time. In view of this, objective implicit and subjective explicit user feedback were triangulated. The “PersonalTV” application enables its users to explore and watch videos from the YouTube library. It builds up a personal viewing profile in order to give personalized content suggestions. We investigated the relation between the recommended content and the consumption percentage (RQ 1), between the recommended content and the reported satisfaction (RQ 2), and explored whether these objective and subjective measures converge (RQ 3). Additional user feedback that may help to improve the application was collected.


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  1. Users' (Dis)satisfaction with the personalTV application: Combining objective and subjective data



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      cover image Computers in Entertainment
      Computers in Entertainment   Volume 9, Issue 3
      Theoretical and Practical Computer Applications in Entertainment
      November 2011
      196 pages
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      Published: 14 November 2011
      Published in CIE Volume 9, Issue 3


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      1. Facebook application
      2. PersonalTV
      3. YouTube
      4. objective and subjective user feedback
      5. online video
      6. recommender systems
      7. user evaluation


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      • (2015)Lightweight Adaptation of Classifiers to Users and Contexts: Trends of the Emerging DomainThe Scientific World Journal10.1155/2015/4348262015:1Online publication date: 10-Sep-2015

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