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10.1145/2030112.2030194acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesubicompConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Facilitating consumption of online social networking services on mobile devices

Published: 17 September 2011 Publication History


Mobile social network aggregators, such as Motoblur and Windows Phone 7 People Hub, emerge as a common tool to access online social networking services on mobile devices. There are limited user studies, however, about how people use and perceive these aggregators. In this study, I explore this research field by deploying an innovative mobile social network aggregator named Linked Internet UI, or LinkedUI. It deeply integrates social networking services into the mobile device user interface and recommends new content that is likely to be interesting to the user. The main research question is that of how people use and perceive these designs, and what user practices these designs enable. The supporting research emphasis is on exploring how we apply user-centered design in the era of online social networking services.


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Cited By

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  • (2015)A Survey on Mobile Social Networks: Applications, Platforms, System Architectures, and Future Research DirectionsIEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials10.1109/COMST.2014.237181317:3(1557-1581)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2015
  • (2013)On effective sharing of user generated contentProceedings of the 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction10.1145/2525194.2525280(114-118)Online publication date: 24-Sep-2013
  • (2012)Mobile social phonebooks Mobile phone user perceptions and practical implications for mobile operators2012 16th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks10.1109/ICIN.2012.6376019(156-163)Online publication date: Oct-2012



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cover image ACM Conferences
UbiComp '11: Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing
September 2011
668 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 17 September 2011


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  1. aggregation
  2. mobile devices
  3. recommendation
  4. social network aggregator
  5. social networking services


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  • (2015)A Survey on Mobile Social Networks: Applications, Platforms, System Architectures, and Future Research DirectionsIEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials10.1109/COMST.2014.237181317:3(1557-1581)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2015
  • (2013)On effective sharing of user generated contentProceedings of the 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction10.1145/2525194.2525280(114-118)Online publication date: 24-Sep-2013
  • (2012)Mobile social phonebooks Mobile phone user perceptions and practical implications for mobile operators2012 16th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks10.1109/ICIN.2012.6376019(156-163)Online publication date: Oct-2012

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