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DLS '11: Proceedings of the 7th symposium on Dynamic languages
ACM2011 Proceeding
  • General Chair:
  • Theo D'Hondt
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
SPLASH '11: Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software for Humanity Portland Oregon USA 24 October 2011
24 October 2011
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Welcome to the 2011 Dynamic Languages Symposium. This year's symposium is the 7th of its kind and continues the tradition of being the premier forum for advances in dynamic programming languages.

We received 19 submissions out of which our program committee accepted nine papers. They cover languages from Scheme to JavaScript but also more general aspects of dynamic languages such as just-in-time compilation, memory management, types and type inference, and of course parallel processing.

The symposium hosts two invited speakers---Daniel Weinreb will kick off DLS 2011 and speak about server-side use of dynamic languages; in the afternoon David Ungar will challenge your knowledge about parallel programming.

DLS 2011 promises to fill a full day with new and exciting material. It is bound to live up to its name and offer a truly dynamic program. Most of all we hope that the symposium will provide you with an opportunity to share ideas with other dynamic language researchers and practitioners from institutions around the world.

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SESSION: Research papers 1
An interpreter for server-side hop

HOP is a Scheme-based multi-tier programming language for the Web. The client-side of a program is compiled to JavaScript, while the server-side is executed by a mix of natively compiled code and interpreted code. At the time where HOP programs were ...

SESSION: Research papers 2
The impact of optional type information on jit compilation of dynamically typed languages

Optionally typed languages enable direct performance comparisons between untyped and type annotated source code. We present a comprehensive performance evaluation of two different JIT compilers in the context of ActionScript, a production-quality ...

HappyJIT: a tracing JIT compiler for PHP

Current websites are a combination of server-generated dynamic content with client-side interactive programs. Dynamically - typed languages have gained a lot of ground in both of these domains. The growth of Web 2.0 has introduced a myriad of websites ...

Polymorphic type inference for scripting languages with object extensions

This paper presents a polymorphic type inference algorithm for a small subset of JavaScript. The goal is to prevent accessing undefined members of objects. We define a type system that allows explicit extension of objects through add operation and ...

Explicit use-case representation in object-oriented programming languages

Use-cases are considered an integral part of most contemporary development processes since they describe a software system's expected behavior from the perspective of its prospective users. However, the presence of and traceability to use-cases is ...

SESSION: Research papers 3
Bootstrapping a self-hosted research virtual machine for JavaScript: an experience report

JavaScript is one of the most widely used dynamic languages. The performance of existing JavaScript VMs, however, is lower than that of VMs for static languages. There is a need for a research VM to easily explore new implementation approaches. This ...

Bounded-latency regional garbage collection

Regional garbage collection is scalable, with theoretical worst-case bounds for gc latency, MMU, and throughput that are independent of mutator behavior and the volume of reachable storage. Regional collection improves upon the worst-case pause times ...

Places: adding message-passing parallelism to racket

Places bring new support for message-passing parallelism to Racket. This paper gives an overview of the programming model and how we had to modify our existing, sequential runtime-system to support places. We show that the freedom to design the ...

Static vs. dynamic type systems: an empirical study about the relationship between type casts and development time

Static type systems are essential in computer science. However, there is hardly any knowledge about the impact of type systems on the resulting piece of software. While there are authors that state that static types increase the development speed, other ...

  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Acceptance Rates

Overall Acceptance Rate 32 of 77 submissions, 42%
DLS '14281346%
DLS '1322941%
DLS '09271037%