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GPCE '11: Proceedings of the 10th ACM international conference on Generative programming and component engineering
ACM2011 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
GPCE '11: Generative Programming and Component Engineering Portland Oregon USA October 22 - 23, 2011
22 October 2011
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These are the proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'11), collocated with Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity 2011 (SPLASH'11). This year's conference continues its tradition of being the premier venue for researchers and practitioners interested in techniques that use program generation and component deployment to increase programmer productivity, improve software quality, and shorten the time-to-market of software products. In addition to exploring cutting-edge techniques of generative and component-based software, the goal of the conference is to foster further cross-fertilization between the software engineering and the programming languages research communities, a goal supported both by a strong technical program bringing in contributions and researchers from both research communities and from our collocation with SPLASH.

The call for papers attracted 55 submissions from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America. The program committee accepted 18 papers that cover a variety of topics within the key areas of domain-specific languages, program generation and components, and also novel topics such as empirical studies of software product lines and model-based tool development for robotics. The program includes two keynotes: Matthias Felleisen from Northeastern University on Multilingual Component Programming in Racket, and Gary Shubert from Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company on the Application of Model Based Development to Flexible Code Generation. In addition, the program includes two technical talks that provide in-depth treatment of selected research results, namely inter-derivation of formal semantics and the industrial application of domain-specific languages to cryptography.

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SESSION: Keynote address 1
Multilingual component programming in racket

In the world of Racket, software systems consist of inter-operating components in different programming languages. A component's implementation language may provide the full functionality of Racket, or it may support a small domain-specific notation. ...

SESSION: Software product lines
Tailoring dynamic software product lines

Software product lines (SPLs) and adaptive systems aim at variability to cope with changing requirements. Variability can be described in terms of features, which are central for development and configuration of SPLs. In traditional SPLs, features are ...

Feature interactions, products, and composition

The relationship between feature modules and feature interactions is not well-understood. To explain classic examples of feature interaction, we show that features are not only composed sequentially, but also by cross-product and interaction operations ...

On the impact of feature dependencies when maintaining preprocessor-based software product lines

During Software Product Line (SPL) maintenance tasks, Virtual Separation of Concerns (VSoC) allows the programmer to focus on one feature and hide the others. However, since features depend on each other through variables and control-flow, feature ...

Investigating the safe evolution of software product lines

The adoption of a product line strategy can bring significant productivity and time to market improvements. However, evolving a product line is risky because it might impact many products and their users. So when evolving a product line to introduce new ...

SESSION: Software components
Static analysis of aspect interaction and composition in component models

Component based software engineering and aspect orientation are claimed to be two complementary approaches. While the former ensures the modularity and the reusability of software entities, the latter enables the modularity of crosscutting concerns that ...

Infrastructure for component-based DDS application development

Enterprise distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems are increasingly being developed with the use of component-based software techniques. Unfortunately, commonly used component middleware platforms provide limited support for event-based publish/...

SESSION: Applications
Generation of geometric programs specified by diagrams

The GeoGram system [21]generates programs for geometric computations by combining generic software components as specified by diagrams constructed using a graphical interface. The user specifies known and desired quantities. As diagrams are constructed, ...

Model-driven engineering and run-time model-usage in service robotics

The development of service robots has gained more and more attention over the last years. A major challenge on the way towards industrial-strength service robotic systems is to make the step from code-driven to model-driven engineering. In this work we ...

Generating database migrations for evolving web applications

WebDSL is a domain-specific language for the implementation of dynamic web applications with a rich data model. It provides developers with object-oriented data modeling concepts but abstracts over implementation details for persisting application data ...

SESSION: Tech talk 1
Pragmatics for formal semantics

This tech talk describes how to write and how to inter-derive formal semantics for sequential programming languages. The progress reported here is (1) concrete guidelines to write each formal semantics to alleviate their proof obligations, and (2) ...

SESSION: Keynote address 2
Application of model based development to flexible code generation

This address will present the authors views and perspectives on the past, present and future use of model based development techniques to enable the automated generation of source code and other forms of programming. This address will discuss past and ...

SESSION: Runtime
Reflection in direct style

A reflective language enables us to access, inspect, and/or modify the language semantics from within the same language framework. Although the degree of semantics exposure differs from one language to another, the most powerful approach, referred to as ...

Firepile: run-time compilation for GPUs in scala

Recent advances have enabled GPUs to be used as general-purpose parallel processors on commodity hardware for little cost. However, the ability to program these devices has not kept up with their performance. The programming model for GPUs has a number ...

Monitoring aspects for the customization of automatically generated code for big-step models

The output of a code generator is assumed to be correct and not usually intended to be read or modified; yet programmers are often interested in this, e.g., to monitor a system property. Here, we consider code customization for a family of code ...

Declaratively defining domain-specific language debuggers

Tool support is vital to the effectiveness of domain-specific languages. With language workbenches, domain-specific languages and their tool support can be generated from a combined, high-level specification. This paper shows how such a specification ...

Less is more: unparser-completeness of metalanguages for template engines

A code generator is a program translating an input model into code. In this paper we focus on template-based code generators in the context of the model view controller architecture (MVC).

The language in which the code generator is written is known as ...

Towards automatic generation of formal specifications to validate and verify reliable distributed systems: a method exemplified by an industrial case study

The validation and verification of reliable systems is a difficult and complex task, mainly for two reasons: First, it is difficult to precisely state which formal properties a system needs to fulfil to be of high quality. Second, it is complex to ...

SESSION: Programming
Comparing complexity of API designs: an exploratory experiment on DSL-based framework integration

Embedded, textual DSLs are often provided as an API wrapped around object-oriented application frameworks to ease framework integration. While literature presents claims that DSL-based application development is beneficial, empirical evidence for this ...

Growing a language environment with editor libraries

Large software projects consist of code written in a multitude of different (possibly domain-specific) languages, which are often deeply interspersed even in single files. While many proposals exist on how to integrate languages semantically and ...

Helping programmers help users

User interfaces exhibit a wide range of features that are designed to assist users. Interaction with one widget may trigger value changes, disabling, or other behaviors in other widgets. Such automatic behavior may be confusing or disruptive to users. ...

SESSION: Tech talk 2
Theorem-based circuit derivation in cryptol

Even though step-by-step refinement has long been seen as desirable, it is hard to find compelling industrial applications of the technique. In theory, transforming a high-level specification into a high-performance implementation is an ideal means of ...

  • NASA Ames Research Center
  • University of Southern Denmark


Acceptance Rates

Overall Acceptance Rate 56 of 180 submissions, 31%
GPCE '13592034%
GPCE '10591831%
GPCE '09621829%