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Flexible resource allocation for reliable virtual cluster computing systems

Published: 12 November 2011 Publication History


Virtualization and cloud computing technologies now make it possible to create scalable and reliable virtual high performance computing clusters. Integrating these technologies, however, is complicated by fundamental and inherent differences in the way in which these systems allocate resources to computational tasks. Cloud computing systems immediately allocate available resources or deny requests. In contrast, parallel computing systems route all requests through a queue for future resource allocation. This divergence of allocation policies hinders efforts to implement efficient, responsive, and reliable virtual clusters.
In this paper, we present a continuum of four scheduling polices along with an analytical resource prediction model for each policy to estimate the level of resources needed to operate an efficient, responsive, and reliable virtual cluster system. We show that it is possible to estimate the size of the virtual cluster system needed to provide a predictable grade of service for a realistic high performance computing workload and estimate the queue wait time for a partial or full resource allocation. Moreover, we show that it is possible to provide a reliable virtual cluster system using a limited pool of spare resources. The models and results we present are useful for cloud computing providers seeking to operate efficient and cost-effective virtual cluster systems.


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SC '11: Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
November 2011
866 pages
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Published: 12 November 2011


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