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10.1145/2063518.2063550acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessemanticsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Taking "pragmatic dimensions" of ontologies into account: frameworks

Published: 07 September 2011 Publication History


A major aim of the Pragmatic Web is "to support communities to put ontologies in context". As a contribution to this aim, we present the framework we developed to analyze the way we attempted to contextualize the ontologies underlying a set of semantic knowledge services dedicated to communities of practice. The framework was derived from the "Ontology Framework" elaborated by members of the Ontology Engineering community during the Ontology Summit 2007. Both frameworks define a series of "pragmatic dimensions" of ontologies. Because our derived framework does not cover all possible dimensions, we propose to complement it, by relying on existing work from the Ontology Engineering community in general, and from the Pragmatic Web community in particular. In conclusion, we invite the Pragmatic Web community to pursue such a work by jointly elaborating a consensual "Pragmatic Ontology Framework".


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I-Semantics '11: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems
September 2011
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 07 September 2011


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  1. community of practice
  2. knowledge systems
  3. ontologies
  4. participatory design
  5. pragmatic dimensions
  6. pragmatic web
  7. semantic web


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