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Statistical Soft Error Rate (SSER) Analysis for Scaled CMOS Designs

Published: 01 January 2012 Publication History


This article re-examines the soft error effect caused by radiation-induced particles beyond the deep submicron regime. Considering the impact of process variations, voltage pulse widths of transient faults are found no longer monotonically diminishing after propagation, as they were formerly. As a result, the soft error rates in scaled electronic designs escape traditional static analysis and are seriously underestimated. In this article we formulate the statistical soft error rate (SSER) problem and present two frameworks to cope with the aforementioned sophisticated issues. The table-lookup framework captures the change of transient-fault distributions implicitly by using a Monte-Carlo approach, whereas the SVR-learning framework does the task explicitly by using statistical learning theory. Experimental results show that both frameworks can more accurately estimate SERs than static approaches do. Meanwhile, the SVR-learning framework outperforms the table-lookup framework in both SER accuracy and runtime.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  Volume 17, Issue 1
January 2012
224 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Publication History

Published: 01 January 2012
Accepted: 01 August 2011
Revised: 01 May 2011
Received: 01 June 2010
Published in TODAES Volume 17, Issue 1


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  1. Monte Carlo method
  2. Soft error
  3. statistical learning
  4. support vector machine
  5. transient fault


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  • (2016)Layout-Based Soft Error Rate Estimation Framework Considering Multiple Transient Faults—From Device to Circuit LevelIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems10.1109/TCAD.2015.247435535:4(586-597)Online publication date: Apr-2016
  • (2016)Statistical soft error rate estimation of combinational circuits using Bayesian networksCOMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering10.1108/COMPEL-09-2015-031735:5(1760-1773)Online publication date: 5-Sep-2016
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