Cited By
View all- Freire CCorreia LMarcelino LSilva CRabadão CPereira A(2012)Menu and Context Based Interfaces Evaluation for Mobile TVProcedia Technology10.1016/j.protcy.2012.09.0615(556-565)Online publication date: 2012
Many mobile TV standards dictate using energy saving schemes to increase the viewing time on mobile devices, since mobile receivers are battery powered. The most common scheme for saving energy is to make the base station broadcast the video data of a ...
We present a complete, running, testbed for mobile TV networks that employ the Digital Video Broadcast - Handheld (DVB-H) open standard. DVB-H based networks have been deployed in several countries around the world and currently being pilot-tested in ...
TV has often been regarded primarily as a traditional family medium [8], because it is mainly watched at home and used as a basis for interaction with others. Now that the mobile phone, which people seem to experience as a personal communication device, ...
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