Cited By
View all- Sachdeva NTuikka AKimppa KSuomi R(2015)Digital disability divide in information societyJournal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society10.1108/JICES-10-2014-005013:3/4(283-298)Online publication date: 10-Aug-2015
Although “User-Centred”, “Participatory”, and other similar design approaches have proved to be very valuable for mainstream design, their principles are more difficult to apply successfully when the user group contains, or is composed of, older and/or ...
This paper describes an exploratory study investigating ways to accommodate inclusive design techniques and tools within industrial design practices. The approach of our research is that by making only small changes in design features, designers end up ...
"Universal design" is the process of creating products that are usable by people with the widest possible range of abilities, operating within the widest possible range of situations; whereas "accessibility" primarily refers to design for people with ...
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