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Lightweight power aware and scalable movement monitoring for wearable computers: a mining and recognition technique at the fingertip of sensors

Published: 10 October 2011 Publication History


Activity monitoring using Body Sensor Networks(BSN) has gained much attention from the scientific community due to its recreational and medical applications. Suggested techniques for activity monitoring face two major problem. First, systems have to be trained for the individual subjects due to the heterogeneity of the BSN data. While most solutions can address this problem on a small data set, they have no mechanics for automatic scaling of the solution as the data set increases. Second, the battery limitations of the BSN severely limit the maximum deployment time for the continuous monitoring. This problem is often solved by shifting some processing to the local sensor nodes to avoid a very heavy communication cost. However, little work has been done to optimize the sensing and processing cost of the action recognition. In this paper, we propose an action recognition approach based on the BSN repository. We show how the information of a large repository can be automatically used to customize the processing on sensor nodes based on a limited and automated training process. We also investigate the power cost of such a repository mining approach on the sensor nodes based on our implementation. To assess the power requirement, we define an energy model for data sensing and processing. We demonstrate the relationship between the activity recognition precision and the power consumption of the system during continuous action monitoring. We demonstrate the energy effectiveness of our approach with a classification accuracy constraint based on limited data repository.


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Cited By

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  • (2016)MotionSynthesis Toolset (MoST): An Open Source Tool and Data Set for Human Motion Data Synthesis and ValidationIEEE Sensors Journal10.1109/JSEN.2016.256259916:13(5365-5375)Online publication date: Jul-2016
  • (2014)MotionSynthesis toolset (MoST)Proceedings of the 4th ACM MobiHoc workshop on Pervasive wireless healthcare10.1145/2633651.2637472(25-30)Online publication date: 11-Aug-2014

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  1. Lightweight power aware and scalable movement monitoring for wearable computers: a mining and recognition technique at the fingertip of sensors



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    WH '11: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Wireless Health
    October 2011
    170 pages
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    • University of California: University of California



    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 10 October 2011


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    Author Tags

    1. Patricia tree
    2. body sensor networks
    3. data mining
    4. n-grams
    5. power optimization
    6. string templates


    • Research-article


    WH '11
    • University of California
    WH '11: Wireless Health 2011
    October 10 - 13, 2011
    California, San Diego

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    • (2016)MotionSynthesis Toolset (MoST): An Open Source Tool and Data Set for Human Motion Data Synthesis and ValidationIEEE Sensors Journal10.1109/JSEN.2016.256259916:13(5365-5375)Online publication date: Jul-2016
    • (2014)MotionSynthesis toolset (MoST)Proceedings of the 4th ACM MobiHoc workshop on Pervasive wireless healthcare10.1145/2633651.2637472(25-30)Online publication date: 11-Aug-2014

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