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Externalisation and design

Published: 19 October 2011 Publication History


External representations are ubiquitous in design from blue-foam models, to formal requirements documents. This paper seeks to explicate the role of externalisation in the light of literature in philosophy, psychology, and design practice. The apparent conflict between theories of embodiment, which emphasises tacit action, and the ideal of reflective practice is resolved in a rich interplay between tacit and explicit knowledge and reasoning. By understanding the kinds of external representation in design their properties, and functions, we are able to make sense of tools and techniques for reflection and creativity and we hope ultimately improve them and design itself.


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    DESIRE '11: Procedings of the Second Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design
    October 2011
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    • Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Industrial Design: Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Industrial Design
    • European Union: European Union



    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 19 October 2011


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    1. design
    2. embodiment
    3. external representation
    4. reflective practice


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    DESIRE '11
    • Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Industrial Design
    • European Union
    DESIRE '11: Creativity and Innovation in Design
    October 19 - 21, 2011
    Eindhoven, Netherlands


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