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Advertising Keywords Recommendation for Short-Text Web Pages Using Wikipedia

Published: 01 February 2012 Publication History


Advertising keywords recommendation is an indispensable component for online advertising with the keywords selected from the target Web pages used for contextual advertising or sponsored search. Several ranking-based algorithms have been proposed for recommending advertising keywords. However, for most of them performance is still lacking, especially when dealing with short-text target Web pages, that is, those containing insufficient textual information for ranking. In some cases, short-text Web pages may not even contain enough keywords for selection. A natural alternative is then to recommend relevant keywords not present in the target Web pages. In this article, we propose a novel algorithm for advertising keywords recommendation for short-text Web pages by leveraging the contents of Wikipedia, a user-contributed online encyclopedia. Wikipedia contains numerous entities with related entities on a topic linked to each other. Given a target Web page, we propose to use a content-biased PageRank on the Wikipedia graph to rank the related entities. Furthermore, in order to recommend high-quality advertising keywords, we also add an advertisement-biased factor into our model. With these two biases, advertising keywords that are both relevant to a target Web page and valuable for advertising are recommended. In our experiments, several state-of-the-art approaches for keyword recommendation are compared. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach produces substantial improvement in the precision of the top 20 recommended keywords on short-text Web pages over existing approaches.


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    ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 3, Issue 2
    February 2012
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    Publication History

    Published: 01 February 2012
    Accepted: 01 October 2011
    Revised: 01 September 2011
    Received: 01 April 2011
    Published in TIST Volume 3, Issue 2


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    1. Contextual advertising
    2. Wikipedia
    3. advertising keywords recommendation
    4. topic-sensitive PageRank


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