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10.1145/2093157.2093171acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagespppjConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Well-typings for Javaλ

Published: 24 August 2011 Publication History


In the last decade Java has been extended by some features, which are well-known from functional programming languages. In Java 8 the language will be expanded by closures (λ-expressions).
In our contribution we give a formal definition for an abstract syntax of a reduced language Javaλ with closures, define the type system, and formalize the subtyping relation. We define the set of types as an extension of the generic type definition for Java 5 types.
Finally, we give a type inference system, which describes the typings of Javaλ expressions and statements and we present a type inference algorithm. The type inference algorithm is an adaptation of a type inference algorithm for a typed λ--calculus.
The inferred types are well-typings. A well-typing is a conditional type for an expression, where the conditions are given by a set of consistent coercions.


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Cited By

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  • (2017)Introducing Scala-like function types into Java-TXProceedings of the 14th International Conference on Managed Languages and Runtimes10.1145/3132190.3132203(23-34)Online publication date: 27-Sep-2017



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PPPJ '11: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Programming in Java
August 2011
186 pages
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  • DTU: Technical University of Denmark



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 24 August 2011


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  1. code generation
  2. language design
  3. program design and implementation
  4. type inference
  5. type system


  • Research-article


PPPJ '11
  • DTU
PPPJ '11: Principles and Practice of Programming in Java
August 24 - 26, 2011
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

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  • (2017)Introducing Scala-like function types into Java-TXProceedings of the 14th International Conference on Managed Languages and Runtimes10.1145/3132190.3132203(23-34)Online publication date: 27-Sep-2017

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