A treatable interface for MTRAP sequence alignment method
Article No.: 102, Pages 1 - 2
In the last ISABEL, we showed a high quality sequence alignment method called MTRAP. Although there exists a need for high quality alignment, a treatable alignment software, as typified by ClustalW, is also essential for the analysis estimating the function of gene or to seek mechanism of molecular interactions. In this paper, we develop a new treatable interface software for the MTRAP alignment. Moreover, we show that the alignment accuracy could be improved by our approach not only for pairwise sequences but also multiple sequences.
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Index Terms
- A treatable interface for MTRAP sequence alignment method
Inverse parametric sequence alignment
We consider the inverse parametric sequence alignment problem, where a sequence alignment, called a reference alignment, is given and the task is to determine parameter values such that the reference alignment is optimal for those parameter values. The ...
Information & Contributors
Published In
October 2011
949 pages
- Conference Chair:
- Simone Frattasi,
- Program Chair:
- Nicola Marchetti
Copyright © 2011 ACM.
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- Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Technical University of Catalonia Spain: Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain
- River Publishers: River Publishers
- CTTC: Technological Center for Telecommunications of Catalonia
- CTIF: Kyranova Ltd, Center for TeleInFrastruktur
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
Publication History
Published: 26 October 2011
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- Research-article
- Technical University of Catalonia Spain
- River Publishers
ISABEL '11: International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies
October 26 - 29, 2011
Barcelona, Spain
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