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Imaging technologies applied to chronic wounds: a survey

Published: 26 October 2011 Publication History


Chronic wounds are a major problem in healthcare worldwide. The assessment and treatment of chronic wounds include monitoring color and size (area or volume) at regular intervals by an expert. This evaluation is often based on qualitative observation and manual measurements of the wound (using a caliper or tracing methods). Over the last two decades, several researchers have focused on developing technologies to assess the clinical improvement of chronic wounds. This article aims to provide a survey on imaging technologies applied to chronic wounds. Their accuracy, precision, reliability, ergonomics and usage are compared. In general terms, the survey aggregates the different methods into 3 groups: planimetric techniques, volumetric techniques and color classification. Finally, a discussion is provided on open topics and what progress needs to be done in this area of research. Among other key points, vision-based technologies for wound assessment should emphasize clinical validation, correlation of clinical findings with quantitative metrics and application to tele-dermatology.


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ISABEL '11: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies
October 2011
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  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • IEEE
  • Technical University of Catalonia Spain: Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain
  • River Publishers: River Publishers
  • CTTC: Technological Center for Telecommunications of Catalonia
  • CTIF: Kyranova Ltd, Center for TeleInFrastruktur


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 26 October 2011


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  1. chronic wounds
  2. imaging
  3. measure
  4. tele-dermatology


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  • Technical University of Catalonia Spain
  • River Publishers
  • CTTC
  • CTIF


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  • (2020)Mobile Telemedicine Systems for Remote Patient's Chronic Wound MonitoringVirtual and Mobile Healthcare10.4018/978-1-5225-9863-3.ch049(977-1003)Online publication date: 2020
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