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Enhancing matrix factorization through initialization for implicit feedback databases

Published: 14 February 2012 Publication History


The implicit feedback based recommendation problem---when only the user history is available but there are no ratings---is a much harder task than the explicit feedback based recommendation problem, due to the inherent uncertainty of the interpretation of such user feedbacks. Still, this practically important recommendation task received less attention and therefore there are only a few common implicit feedback based algorithms and benchmark datasets. This paper focuses on a common matrix factorization method for the implicit problem and investigates if recommendation performance can be improved by appropriate initialization of the feature vectors before training. We present a general initialization framework that preserves the similarity between entities (users/items) when creating the initial feature vectors, where similarity is defined using e.g. context or metadata information. We demonstrate how the proposed initialization framework can be coupled with MF algorithms. The efficiency of the initialization is evaluated using various context and metadata based similarity concepts on two implicit variants of the MovieLens 10M dataset and one real life implicit database. It is shown that performance gain can attain 10% improvement in recall@50 and in AUC@50.


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CaRR '12: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation
February 2012
41 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 14 February 2012


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  1. context information
  2. implicit feedback
  3. initialization
  4. recommender systems
  5. similarity


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CaRR '12


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