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10.1145/2166966.2166992acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesiuiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

On slide-based contextual cues for presentation reuse

Published: 14 February 2012 Publication History


Reuse of existing presentation materials is prevalent among knowledge workers. However, finding the most appropriate material for reuse is challenging. Existing information management and search tools provide inadequate support for reuse due to their dependence on users' ability to effectively categorize, recall, and recognize existing materials. Based on our findings from an online survey and contextual interviews, we designed and implemented a slide-based contextual recommender, ConReP, for supporting reuse of presentation materials. ConReP utilizes a user-selected slide as a search-key, recommends materials based on similarity to the selected slide, and provides a local-context-based visual representation of the recommendations. Users input provides new insight into presentation reuse and reveals that slide-based search is more effective than keyword-based search, local-context-based visual representation helps in better recall and recognition, and shows the promise of this general approach of exploiting individual slides and local-context for better presentation reuse.


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  1. On slide-based contextual cues for presentation reuse



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      IUI '12: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
      February 2012
      436 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 14 February 2012


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      1. contextual recommendation
      2. local context
      3. slide-based search
      4. visual representation


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