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Technological and organizational determinants of information management in the urban space (based on scientific research)

Published: 20 February 2012 Publication History


The paper presents technological and organizational conditions of information management in the urban space that has been identified within frames of research realized within the project "Integrated support system for access to information in urban space". The project is realized with funds raised in the competition for development projects, organized by the National Centre for Research and Development, which is a Polish institution that is responsible for the distribution of funds for scientific research.


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Index Terms

  1. Technological and organizational determinants of information management in the urban space (based on scientific research)



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                          ICUIMC '12: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication
                          February 2012
                          852 pages
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                          Association for Computing Machinery

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                          Published: 20 February 2012


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                          1. GIS
                          2. GPS
                          3. ergonomics
                          4. information needs
                          5. integrated database systems
                          6. quality of information
                          7. urban space


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