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An expository on verification and validation of simulation models
In this expository paper we give a general introduction to verification and validation of simulation models, define the various validation techniques, and present a recommended model validation procedure.
A decomposition approach to variance reduction
For analyzing stochastic models, simulation trades the tractability problems of analytical techniques for the problem of sampling variability. Variance reduction techniques (VRTs) attack this problem by transforming the simulation experiment in a way ...
Analysis of simulation of output data
The problem of analysis of simulation output data is motivated and put in the context of related methodological problems. Examples are given to indicate why this problem is important, and why it is difficult.
Simulation of manufacturing systems
Simulation is the most widely used technique for designing and analyzing manufacturing systems. However, there is an unfortunate impression that simulation is just a complicated exercise in computer programming. Consequently, many “studies” have been ...
Tutorial on artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is experiencing a resurgence of popularity as expert systems show commercial success. This tutorial will be an overview of AI theories, concepts and techniques. The major areas of problem solving and knowledge representation ...
Modelling of computer systems: a tutorial
Computer system performance modelling is a relatively restricted problem domain. Because of this, much is known about which performance measures are and are not important, which system characteristics do and do not influence these performance measures, ...
Tutorial on fuzzy logic in simulation
The objective of this tutorial is to introduce to the simulation community another tool that is now available. This tool is best known under the name of Fuzzy Set Theory. This tutorial contains a brief discussion of the current trends in simulation ...
Introduction to GPSS
Summary information about key aspects of the simulation modeling language GPSS is provided. The Class of problems to which GPSS applies especially well is described; commentary on the semantics and syntax of the language is offered, and an example is ...
SIMSCRIPT II.5 tutorial
This tutorial will present the highlights of the SIMSCRIPT II.5 approach to building discrete event simulation models. The approach will be to construct a small example problem, implement the program in SIMSCRIPT II.5, and then to display the modularity ...
UNIFIT: an interactive computer package for fitting probability distributions to observed data
An important problem which occurs in many different disciplines is that of determining a probability distribution which is a good representation of an observed data set. For example, in building a simulation model of a manufacturing process or of a ...
Introduction to SIMAN
This paper discusses the concepts and methods for simulating manufacturing systems using the SIMAN simulation language. SIMAN is a general purpose simulation language which incorporates special purpose features for modeling manufacturing systems. These ...
A tutorial on TESS: the extended simulation system
TESS, The Extended Simulation System, integrates simulation, data management and graphics capabilities to provide a framework for performing simulation projects. Capabilities for building SLAM II networks graphically, animating simulation runs without ...
NETWORK II.5 tutorial
This tutorial will acquaint the reader with a powerful modelling tool which can dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to simulate a computer system. The NETWORK 11.5 world view and the class of problems it addresses will be discussed. A ...
MAP/1 tutorial
MAP/1 is a simulation-based Modeling and Analysis Program developed by Pritsker & Associates for use in designing and evaluating discrete part manufacturing systems. MAP/1 is a generalized model of a discrete part manufacturing system, which is ...
CINEMA tutorial
CINEMA is a general purpose, micro-computer based animation system designed to work with the SIMAN simulation language. A sophisticated yet easy to use graphical interface allows users with little or no programming skills to build highly detailed ...
Gaming and simulation: the next twenty-five years
This paper was written for presentation to the March 1982 meeting of the Military Operations Research Society. It was the theme paper for the session on Gaming and Simulation. Since that meeting, the ideas have been presented at a number of meetings of ...
A panel on combined modeling
A simulation language provides an organizational structure to build models that simulate the dynamic performance of systems on a digital computer. The organizational structure allows the variables that define system performance to be described by ...
Recent developments in standardized time series (panel)
The purposes of these two panel sessions are to present recent research results and to have a panel discussion on future research directions in standardized time series. Because the major research results presented by the panelists will be published in ...
Overview of standardized time series
This paper presents the basic concepts and motivation for standardized time series analysis. Various applications to the analysis of simulation output are mentioned.
Extension of standardized time series for continuous-time statistics
In steady-state computer simulation experiments continuous-time statistics play an important role. They are used to estimate a variety of different system's parameters. For example, in queueing simulations continuous-time statistics are used to estimate ...
Ranking and selection procedures using standardized time series
We study the problem of determining that one of k stationary simulated processes which has the largest mean. We adapt for use in the simulation environment a ranking and selection procedure due to Dudewicz and Dalal (1975). In order to implement this ...
Comparison of two stationary stochastic processes using standardized time series
References to confidence interval estimations for the difference between the means and for the ratio of the variances of two independent strictly stationary phimixing processes using standardized time series are given. Results of a limited empirical ...
Large-sample theory for standardized time series: an overview
There are two basic approaches to constructing confidence intervals for steady-state parameters from a single simul t on run. The fir t s to consistently estimate the variance constant in the relevant central limit theorem. This is the approach used in ...
On the roles of simulation, analytical modeling, and measurement in solving complex problems (panel)
A variety of tools and techniques are used in the design phase of new products. Three major techniques used both to assess preliminary designs and to monitor progress from design to fruition include Analytic Modeling, Measurement, and Simulation. The ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 17th conference on Winter simulation
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
WSC '18 | 260 | 183 | 70% |
WSC '15 | 296 | 202 | 68% |
WSC '14 | 320 | 205 | 64% |
WSC '12 | 384 | 189 | 49% |
WSC '11 | 270 | 203 | 75% |
WSC '10 | 281 | 184 | 65% |
WSC '09 | 256 | 137 | 54% |
WSC '08 | 304 | 249 | 82% |
WSC '07 | 244 | 152 | 62% |
WSC '06 | 252 | 177 | 70% |
WSC '05 | 316 | 209 | 66% |
WSC '04 | 171 | 144 | 84% |
WSC '03 | 189 | 128 | 68% |
WSC '02 | 185 | 166 | 90% |
WSC '01 | 155 | 111 | 72% |
WSC '99 | 206 | 139 | 67% |
WSC '98 | 216 | 164 | 76% |
WSC '97 | 191 | 121 | 63% |
WSC '96 | 187 | 128 | 68% |
WSC '95 | 183 | 122 | 67% |
WSC '94 | 209 | 100 | 48% |
Overall | 5,075 | 3,413 | 67% |