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View all- Erenrich D(2023)Psychiq and Wwwyzzerdd: Wikidata completion using WikipediaSemantic Web10.3233/SW-233450(1-14)Online publication date: 12-Sep-2023
In natural language understanding, extraction of named entity (NE) mentions in given text and classification of the mentions into pre-defined NE types are important processes. Most NE recognition (NER) relies on resources such as a training corpus or NE ...
Wikipedia is the largest collaborative encyclopedia and is used as the source for DBpedia, a central dataset of the LOD cloud. Wikipedia contains numerous numerical measures on the entities it describes, as per the general character of the data it ...
Place name disambiguation is an important task for improving the accuracy of geographic information retrieval. This task becomes more challenging when the input texts are short. Wikipedia provides information about places and has often been employed for ...
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