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The implication problem of data dependencies over SQL table definitions: Axiomatic, algorithmic and logical characterizations

Published: 04 June 2012 Publication History


We investigate the implication problem for classes of data dependencies over SQL table definitions. Under Zaniolo's “no information” interpretation of null markers we establish an axiomatization and algorithms to decide the implication problem for the combined class of functional and multivalued dependencies in the presence of NOT NULL constraints. The resulting theory subsumes three previously orthogonal frameworks. We further show that the implication problem of this class is equivalent to that in a propositional fragment of Schaerf and Cadoli's [1995] family of para-consistent S-3 logics. In particular, S is the set of variables that correspond to attributes declared NOT NULL. We also show how our equivalences for multivalued dependencies can be extended to Delobel's class of full first-order hierarchical decompositions, and the equivalences for functional dependencies can be extended to arbitrary Boolean dependencies. These dualities allow us to transfer several findings from the propositional fragments to the corresponding classes of data dependencies, and vice versa. We show that our results also apply to Codd's null interpretation “value unknown at present”, but not to Imielinski's [1989] or-relations utilizing Levene and Loizou's weak possible world semantics [Levene and Loizou 1998]. Our findings establish NOT NULL constraints as an effective mechanism to balance not only the certainty in database relations but also the expressiveness with the efficiency of entailment relations. They also control the degree by which the implication of data dependencies over total relations is soundly approximated in SQL table definitions.

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ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 37, Issue 2
May 2012
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Published: 04 June 2012
Accepted: 01 January 2012
Revised: 01 October 2011
Received: 01 January 2011
Published in TODS Volume 37, Issue 2


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  1. Axiomatization
  2. Boolean dependency
  3. Boolean logic
  4. S-3 logic
  5. SQL
  6. functional dependency
  7. implication
  8. incomplete information
  9. logic of paradox
  10. multivalued dependency


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