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10.1145/2189736.2189741acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageswicConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A dissimilarity measure for automate moderation in online social networks

Published: 16 April 2012 Publication History


Social networks (SN) have sprouted on the Internet in a very quick way in the last few years. As a large quantity of users starts using them, a lot of social problems are starting to appear, and therefore these sites need to be moderated. However, the data and information volume are so large that it is impossible for a human administrator to handle many of the most common moderation tasks.
Web Usage Mining is very useful for understanding user behavior on Websites, opening an opportunity for finding patterns, which can help with decisions afterwards. One of these techniques is clustering, which uses the notion of distance between two behaviors, and tries to capture it among special characteristics. Dissimilarity measures are constructed using important aspects of Website user behavior, but none commonly used ones, such as Cooley et al. distance [3]; help deal with social networking user behavior for moderation tasks. In this work a new dissimilarity measure is used combining usage and content's semantics while interacting with social network platform objects, such as actions, action content, and classification chosen by the user.
The measure of this work was successfully tested in a virtual community of practice, obtaining an automatic classification for supporting moderation activities.


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WI&C '12: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Web Intelligence & Communities
April 2012
62 pages
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Published: 16 April 2012


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  1. automatic moderation
  2. clustering
  3. dissimilarity measures
  4. social networks


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