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A general-purpose target-aware pointing enhancement using pixel-level analysis of graphical interfaces

Published: 05 May 2012 Publication History


We present a general-purpose implementation of a target aware pointing technique, functional across an entire desktop and independent of application implementations. Specifically, we implement Grossman and Balakrishnan's Bubble Cursor, the fastest general pointing facilitation technique in the literature. Our implementation obtains the necessary knowledge of interface targets using a combination of pixel-level analysis and social annotation. We discuss the most novel aspects of our implementation, including methods for interactive creation and correction of pixel-level prototypes of interface elements and methods for interactive annotation of how the cursor should select identified elements. We also report on limitations of the Bubble Cursor unearthed by examining our implementation in the complexity of real-world interfaces. We therefore contribute important progress toward real-world deployment of an important family of techniques and shed light on the gap between understanding techniques in controlled settings versus behavior with real-world interfaces.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (paperfile657-3.mp4)
Supplemental video for “A general-purpose target-aware pointing enhancement using pixel-level analysis of graphical interfaces”


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  1. A general-purpose target-aware pointing enhancement using pixel-level analysis of graphical interfaces



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    CHI '12: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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