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Adaptive Persuasive Systems: A Study of Tailored Persuasive Text Messages to Reduce Snacking

Published: 01 June 2012 Publication History


This article describes the use of personalized short text messages (SMS) to reduce snacking. First, we describe the development and validation (N = 215) of a questionnaire to measure individual susceptibility to different social influence strategies. To evaluate the external validity of this Susceptibility to Persuasion Scale (STPS) we set up a two week text-messaging intervention that used text messages implementing social influence strategies as prompts to reduce snacking behavior. In this experiment (N = 73) we show that messages that are personalized (tailored) to the individual based on their scores on the STPS, lead to a higher decrease in snacking consumption than randomized messages or messages that are not tailored (contra-tailored) to the individual. We discuss the importance of this finding for the design of persuasive systems and detail how designers can use tailoring at the level of social influence strategies to increase the effects of their persuasive technologies.


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  1. Adaptive Persuasive Systems: A Study of Tailored Persuasive Text Messages to Reduce Snacking



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    ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems  Volume 2, Issue 2
    June 2012
    133 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 01 June 2012
    Accepted: 01 September 2011
    Revised: 01 September 2011
    Received: 01 February 2011
    Published in TIIS Volume 2, Issue 2


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    1. Persuasion
    2. personalization
    3. persuasion profiling
    4. social influence
    5. tailoring


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