Cited By
View all- Yang YKim Y(2021)Low-Power Cross-Layer Error Management Using MIMO-LDPC Iterative Decoding for Video ProcessingIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2021.31156719(133062-133075)Online publication date: 2021
This paper presents a strategy for the design of bandwidth-efficient LDPC codes with unequal error protection. Bandwidth efficiency is obtained by appropriately designing the codes for higher order constellations, assuming an AWGN channel. The ...
This paper investigates the performance of three different Unequal Error Protection (UEP) schemes for progressive JPEG image transmission using delay-constrained hybrid ARQ, with iterative bit and symbol combining. The first UEP scheme considers only ...
A novel approach to provide unequal error protection (UEP) using rateless codes over erasure channels, named Expanding Window Fountain (EWF) codes, is developed and discussed. EWF codes use a windowing technique rather than a weighted (non-uniform) ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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