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View all- Yang XChen HZhang YHou TRen PWang RJi ZHuang R(2024)Physics-Informed Learning Based Multiphysics Simulation for Fast Transient TSV Electromigration AnalysisACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems10.1145/370610630:2(1-22)Online publication date: 29-Nov-2024
- Zhou JWang ZWei CFei JKe CZhang X(2020)Three-dimensional Simulation of Effects of Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Multi-physical Fields on Cu Protrusion and Performance of Micro-bump Joints in TSVs Based High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) Structures2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)10.1109/ECTC32862.2020.00260(1659-1664)Online publication date: Jun-2020
- Wang SSun ZCheng YTan STahoori MParameswaran S(2017)Leveraging recovery effect to reduce electromigration degradation in power/ground TSVProceedings of the 36th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design10.5555/3199700.3199809(811-818)Online publication date: 13-Nov-2017
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