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View all- Sarne DAumann Y(2018)Exploration costs as a means for improving performance in multiagent systemsAnnals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence10.1007/s10472-014-9435-572:3-4(297-329)Online publication date: 28-Dec-2018
- Alkoby SSarne DMilchtaich ISingh SMarkovitch S(2017)Strategic signaling and free information disclosure in auctionsProceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence10.5555/3298239.3298289(319-327)Online publication date: 4-Feb-2017
- Alkoby SSarne D(2017)Strategic Free Information Disclosure for a Vickrey AuctionAgent-Mediated Electronic Commerce. Designing Trading Strategies and Mechanisms for Electronic Markets10.1007/978-3-319-54229-4_1(1-18)Online publication date: 24-Feb-2017
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