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View all- Prateek AKhan AGoyal ARanu S(2020)Mining Top-k pairs of correlated subgraphs in a large networkProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3397230.339724513:9(1511-1524)Online publication date: 26-Jun-2020
- Vachery JArora ARanu SBhattacharya A(2019)RAQ: Relationship-Aware Graph Querying in Large NetworksThe World Wide Web Conference10.1145/3308558.3313448(1886-1896)Online publication date: 13-May-2019
- Natarajan DRanu S(2018)ReslingKnowledge and Information Systems10.1007/s10115-017-1129-y54:1(123-149)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018
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