It is our great pleasure to welcome you to Beijing for PLDI 2012, the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. PLDI is the leading research conference about programming languages and their implementations. The PLDI 2012 program includes research papers, keynotes, a Student Research Competition, and several workshops, tutorials, and other colocated events.
This year's conference received a record 255 submissions. These submissions were reviewed in two phases. Each paper received 3 initial reviews in phase 1, after which authors were given an opportunity to respond to these reviews. Based on the initial reviews and author responses, additional reviews were solicited for approximately 70% of the submissions in a second phase of reviewing. Of these papers that made it to phase 2, 88 were discussed during the PC meeting, which took place from January 28-29, in Philadelphia.
More than 1000 reviews were written, of which most (62.9%) came from the thirty-one member Program Committee (PC). The forty-seven member External Review Committee (ERC) contributed with most of the other evaluations (32.1%). However, 92 other reviewers also participated in the evaluation process and provided expertise in some highly specialized areas. Papers submitted by Program Committee members were evaluated by the External Review Committee and the decisions on these papers was made by consensus. After careful evaluation, 48 papers were accepted for presentation at the conference. As a result, PLDI'12 will once again have a dual-track program.
Cited By
Kokologiannakis M, Lahav O and Vafeiadis V (2023). Kater: Automating Weak Memory Model Metatheory and Consistency Checking, Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 10.1145/3571212, 7:POPL, (544-572), Online publication date: 9-Jan-2023.
- Watt C, Pulte C, Podkopaev A, Barbier G, Dolan S, Flur S, Pichon-Pharabod J and Guo S Repairing and mechanising the JavaScript relaxed memory model Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, (346-361)