Cited By
View all- Fulek RRuiz-Vargas Ada Fonseca GLewiner TPeñaranda LChan TKlein R(2013)Topological graphsProceedings of the twenty-ninth annual symposium on Computational geometry10.1145/2462356.2462394(259-266)Online publication date: 17-Jun-2013
A simple topological graph is a graph drawn in the plane so that its edges are represented by continuous arcs with the property that any two of them meet at most once. We present a novel tool for finding crossing free subgraphs in simple topological ...
It is shown that every complete $$n$$-vertex simple topological graph has at $$\varOmega (n^{1/3})$$ pairwise disjoint edges, and these edges can be found in polynomial time. This proves a conjecture of Pach and Tóth, which appears as Problem 5 from ...
A monotone cylindrical graph is a topological graph drawn on an open cylinder with an infinite vertical axis satisfying the condition that every vertical line intersects every edge at most once. It is called simple if any pair of its edges have at most ...
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